Every time a customer is at your business and uses Facebook to check-in, there is a chance that his phone’s GPS location software won’t find your Facebook Business Page, and the network will create a new one – these are called user-generated pages.
The user-generated Facebook pages are the most common reason why you might be able to find multiple pages representing your company.
It also could be that you have created more than one page, or an ex-employee used to manage it, and you can’t get hold of him to get the login information. Whatever the reason is, you can claim these pages and merge them into one.
To start, use Facebook search at the top of the page to find all the pages about your business. Remember, use multiple variations of your business’s name when searching, as customers might not have used your business’s full name when they checked in. For example, if your restaurant is named “La Bella Italian Cuisine“, you should also search for “La Bella Restaurant” “La Bella Italian Restaurant” and “La Bella Cuisine“.
Once you’ve found the pages, find the arrow next to the little engine icon, click on it and then click on IS THIS YOUR BUSINESS? Facebook will open a 3-step window where you’ll need to fill in your business’s information and claim the page.
The first step is only to confirm that you are an official representative of the business. Make sure you check the confirmation box and click on CONTINUE.
In step 2, fill in your business’s information and click on CONTINUE when you are done.
In the 3rd step, Facebook will give you two ways to claim the page (or to prove that you are the real owner): by email or by providing documentation.
By email: to do the verification by email, you need to have an email address domain with the name of your company. The domain is the part that goes after the @ symbol. For example: social@movingtargets.com (the domain is the bold part). Emails with @yahoo, @gmail, or any other general provider are not valid to claim the Facebook page.
To claim by email, click on the option EMAIL in the window of the 3rd step, choose your email from the dropdown list and click on SUBMIT.
If your email isn’t there, you are going to have to add it. To add your email to the list, you need to link it to your Facebook account. To do so, click on ADD YOUR BUSINESS EMAIL ADDRESS TO YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. A new window/tab will pop up with your General Settings page. On that screen, click on ADD ANOTHER EMAIL and follow the instructions. When you are done adding your email, go back to the first window, choose your email from the dropdown list and click on SUBMIT. Facebook will then verify your email and get back to you with an answer in 7-10 days.
By documentation: If you don’t have an email domain with your business name, you can claim your page by submitting a document. To do so, choose the option DOCUMENTATION when you are on the 3rd step. There are 4 types of documents that Facebook accepts: utility bill/phone bill, business license, business tax file, certificate of formation/ articles of incorporation. To submit your documentation, you will need to scan it (or take a picture of it) and save it on your computer beforehand. Then, when you get to this step, just click on BROWSE, find the document on your computer and then click on SUBMIT. Facebook will then verify your email and get back to you with an answer in 7-10 days.
After you get a confirmation that your claim is processed (Facebook usually will let you know by email), you can merge both pages. The same process is valid if you have more than 2 pages. All you need to do is claim them all.
When all the duplicate pages are claimed, you need to merge them. To do this, go to the page you want to be the official one. Go to the ADMIN PANEL and click on EDIT PAGE and then on UPDATE INFO. On the next page, choose RESOURCES on the left side menu. Under DEVELOP YOUR PAGE, you’ll see a new link MERGE DUPLICATED PAGES (this link only shows up when you have claimed multiple pages). When the window pops up, choose the pages you want to merge and click MERGE PAGES. Note that Facebook will only merge likes and check-ins. Everything else on the duplicate pages will be deleted, so make sure you save/download all the content you want to keep. The content of the primary (official) page will not be deleted.
Tip: if you claimed all the duplicate pages but you don’t see the MERGE DUPLICATED PAGES link when you go to RESOURCES, make sure all the data in all of the pages is EXACTLY the same (meaning that name, address, phone, hours, tags – everything in the BASIC INFORMATION section – needs to match).
You are done! Just don’t forget to search for your business on Facebook from time to time, just to make sure that no other user-generated pages exist. If you find another one, just follow the steps above again, and you should be fine!