2024 Marketing Trends for a Competitive Edge

Looking to take a competitive advantage in 2024? Check out a few marketing trends that can help you jump ahead.

Want to see how to put these in to practice? Speak to a Moving Targets Marketing Consultant today.


You might have heard this common marketing term, but what does it mean for your business? Personalization refers to customizing content, communications, and offers based on individual customer information and preferences.

Nothing screams generic ‘every door’ mailing more than Current Resident being on the addressee line. One of the easiest ways to implement personalization is by adding the homeowner’s name to the mailer, but why stop there? With variable printing, you can add personal details to the mail piece itself – custom offers based on purchase history, make of their car, dietary preferences, etc. Adding these details helps create a connection with the customer and higher likelihood of interaction with your brand.

Pair message personalization with a direct mail program geared towards life events, such as buying a home or a birthday, for an even bigger impact.

Email Marketing

Email opens a direct line of communication with your customers, where you can share announcements, offers, coupons, and more with your existing database. Measurement and tracking can be very detailed, allowing you to calculate ROI.

It is crucial to capture and utilize emails from your current and potential customers. Keeping your database accurate and updated ensures your message reaches maximum audience, but more importantly people who are most likely to take action on your messages.

Social Media Marketing

Social media use has accelerated at a stunning pace, with nearly 400,000 new users each day in 2022 and larger percentages of marketing budgets being allocated to social ads. Influenced by your industry and audience, each business needs a social media strategy that focuses on their goals. If you sell a product that is visually appealing or needs explanation, videos could help drive action; more expensive or service-based verticals might benefit from sharing a unique incentive offer.

Want to hear more marketing trends that could help your business in 2024?

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