Digging deeper into direct mail marketing

Digging deeper into direct mail marketingDirect mail marketing may seem like an outdated method but we promise there is a pretty compelling case for this channel. According to Direct Marketing, direct mail was the second-most invested in platform for marketers – falling short to websites but edging out mobile spend. Maybe this has something to do with the creative nature of direct mail. In an increasingly digital world, a piece of mail sent directly to your doorstep grabs your attention.

This doesn’t mean you should discount digital any time soon, but rather that direct mail should be an integral part of your overall marketing plan. With that being said, what are some tips for creating the best possible direct mail campaign? We’ve compiled a list of some best practices. Let’s get started.

Scope out the competition:

Just because direct mail isn’t the norm doesn’t mean you won’t have some competition. As with any marketing campaign you should take the time before you get started to see what other leaders in your space are doing. Are they capitalizing on direct mail? If so, how? Are their campaigns more text-heavy or full of appealing images? Take notes and use the best of their content as a part of your strategy. It may feel a little like cheating but it is just strategic prep. These materials are out there for reference so use them to your advantage!

Link up your strategies:

Your direct mail strategy doesn’t have to stand alone and it certainly shouldn’t. Your marketing efforts should always be viewed as one continuous effort. Full integration is crucial for reaching the maximum number of customers, explained Tech.Co contributor Leo Davie. Make sure you schedule content about your direct mail on social media; use your direct mail to link back to your website, etc. This will make your investments stretch to their ultimate potential. Omnichannel efforts are the key to modern marketing, so make sure you aren’t missing the boat with your direct mail materials.

Get specific:

One of the biggest advantages to direct mail marketing is the ability to know exactly who is receiving your content. Unlike social media campaigns or mobile marketing, direct mail is going to a specific address with a specific tenant. You should take this into careful consideration when crafting your materials, noted The Drum contributor Tony Kemp. If you are sending out pieces to an older demographic make text larger and cater to their general preferences, for a younger crowd use edgy imagery and perhaps a more casual tone. Audience is always the most important component of any marketing efforts. Take advantage of the direct targeting mail campaigns allows for by tailoring your content.

Keep it simple but compelling:

You want to create something creative enough to grab your reader’s attention but simple enough to avoid overwhelming them. Things like bullet points or quick lists work great for direct mail materials. Images are great for illustrating your main points but don’t overdo it, explained Huffington Post contributor Scott De Buitleir. You only have so much room to get your point across when it comes to direct mail so make sure you are hitting them from the start in the strongest way possible.

Be creative:

This may seem obvious but we needed to mention it because it is the most important tip. Direct mail is attention-grabbing in itself because it is not used as much as it used to be. However, simply sending out a paper pamphlet isn’t enough to engage your audience. Try creating flyers in interesting shapes or use your words to create a particularly interesting call to action. As with any marketing effort, creativity is key. You want your potential customers to remember your brand for thinking outside the box, so put some time into these materials. We promise the effort will be well worth the reward!

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