Fall in love with email marketing – again

Improve email marketing tips

We know what you’re thinking. Email marketing?! That is so 2000. But we would never lead you astray! And we have some pretty convincing numbers to back us up. Email marketing is still a great way to reach your customers on a personal level.

Let’s take a look at exactly why you should gear up to fall in love with email marketing – again.

A perfect promotional platform

Promotional offers are a big part of modern marketing. Customers love saving money, and as a business, offering small promos is a great way to get new customers in the door while simultaneously keeping old ones interested. When it comes to promotions, email has been proven to be a stellar platform. According to Inc. contributor Peter Roesler, email marketing lies at the heart of e-coupons – which have been a big trend over the last few years. Roesler reported that over 60 percent of internet users in the U.S. have printed a coupon from an email. Moreover, mobile coupon usage is set to double over the next five years – accomplishing a reach of 1 billion consumers. In order to capture the attention of this audience, emails are the way to go.

A personal touch

Personalization is near and dear to the modern consumer’s heart. Email marketing takes target marketing to a whole new level. Instead of playing a guessing game you can separate your readers into specific lists. This makes for much more effective targeting than social media content or even television ads. You will know exactly who will be reading what. Beyond better targeting, email marketing allows for the ultimate personal touch – addressing your readers by name. This kind of relationship can lead to higher conversion rates on this platform.

Match up with mobile

Mobile is the name of the game when it comes to just about everything. Coincidentally, email and mobile are a match made in heaven. Sending out email campaigns is the perfect way to capitalize on the popularity of mobile messaging without spending the money associated with startup technology or software, explained Roesler. According to Pew Research Center, 91 percent of consumers ages 18 to 29 checked their email on mobile at least once during their one-week study period. Of users ages 30 to 50+. 87 percent pulled up emails on a mobile device once in that week. For small businesses trying to incorporate mobile marketing into their strategy, email is a great place to start. To make the most of this experience, make sure that your emails are optimized for mobile so they are just as effective on mobile phones as they are on a desktop computer.

Play into your customers’ preferences

Your customers drive everything you do when it comes to marketing. And it turns out, emails are their preferred marketing medium. Adobe conducted an email marketing study in 2017 that found 49% of consumers would like to receive weekly promotional emails from their favorite businesses.  Give your customers what they want and start crafting those emails!

Bang for your buck

Last, but certainly not least, is the cost-efficiency of emails as a platform. These mobile messages reach a wide and specific audience at the cost of mere pennies per email, noted Roesler. And even better, an email marketing survey compiled by DMA suggests that for every $1 that you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average ROI of $32. A pretty convincing argument by our standards.

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